Sunday, July 18, 2010


Thank you Jenni for sharing Alice Notely with me

Closer to me & closer

Now I feel like being more free


But I still want to write simply

To have you know that I am a person

And am interested in explaining personal things

What I think about

Thinking is a droplet of moister passing upward

For me

In my throat


Lives gremlins

A closed door

What I think about

Is time

A concept that can be arranged

As a cloud with rays of light that look gray passing through it

As a circle

Like the revolution of stars and there lovers gravitation

And as a stream

With its westward or eastward flow bringing everything towards a great body

That body is you

Body can be used to describe the flesh of mammals

Or the sea

Anything else?

Plants are not called bodies

And either are stones

The difference between stones and rocks is whether or not they have been picked up

And if they have

Whether or not they’ve been placed or just thrown around a bit

Sometimes they have been placed poorly and should have just been cast off

That is the beginning of a wall

Unless there is water enough to take down them

And they are a stone

What I think about is being something

If it is good enough to be that

If it is good enough for me

If it is good enough for me to let them see it

It is alright to come home from work and take a nap

Or on Sunday to do absolutely nothing

It is alright

showing up at a woman’s door with nothing accomplished

no need to anyway

One could live there life this way

And in the end having altered nothing

Presented nothing

Have changed everything

The life of an artist

But what woman’s door would you show up at then

If by accident I see myself

A reflection in a shop window

Passing by

I think How sexy you are

I am

And why aren’t there arms all wrapped around me

Because then I would burry all this again

A lethargic lover

With nothing to prove

So like being naked in very nice sheets

Feels better

Or with enough open window to be spotted

It also lets the fresh breeze in

The difference between the quality of linen


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