Saturday, July 17, 2010


This is a poem I like from late spring but don't know how to end

A month has passed and now as I said the lilacs are open
noted, didn’t I, the post cerulean sky
I said, those are for you, pointing out this spray of blossoms atop the dresser
did you notice the lilacs are open?
it is now that we have come to touch again
the day I walked around with those branches reaching out my breast pocket

sickening explosion of seed
sickening to you
no storm pounding the branches against the shutters
no tearing them asunder
the temperature just remains to hot

it was sickening explosion of seed
incomparable, that beauty
of knotted old woods repetitious innocence
sprouting and falling
a push, and out luxurious foliage
green that is silver
witnesses the sun
drinking at the branches

this is not death of or rebirth of like winter bequeaths spring
is loss of and growth of
that which unfolds now that the petals have blown

at the point that once held them, again one witnesses the undistinguishable

distinguished when I took off your clothing
It was your mouth telling me without speaking
again groans at a blood ritual
and the knocking at a gate opening
fingering the softness of intricate and ornate iron reds
perceives it to be there just before It takes him
wet dew
lying in the moist soil under overgrown thickets

prostrations, intent on listening
for a small touch as I give to you
so this wrist
and first this hand
that I remember whispering into through my lips, a part of my mouth
prayers that give rise to scented flowers

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